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Centralised vs Decentralised - there and back again

How many times has your data team gone from centralised, to decentralised, and back to centralised again?

They both have their pros and cons, and no organisation structure is perfect. For most, a balance is needed, and where exactly that is balanced depends on the organisation.

Certainly, just moving from one to the other every 18 months doesn’t solve anything.

You need to invest in it, designing your tools and processes to support the model you want to work with.

For example, if you’re looking to become more decentralised, invest in a platform that allows people around the business to create and manage their own data, without needing central approval or review.

Align your governance processes to that model by automating as much as you can so data producers are always following your best practices while still operating with autonomy.

Whichever model you choose, invest in it.

P.S. A bit of personal news - I’ve just launched my consulting services! 🛫

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    Andrew Jones
    Andrew Jones
    I help data leaders transform their organisation to one where data becomes information - trusted, governed, and federated across the business - and guaranteed with data contracts.