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The power of data platforms

·1 min

Platforms in general, and data platforms in particular, can be a powerful enabler for an organisation.

They allow data engineers and other data practitioners to self-serve quality tools and workflows, so they can focus on what they do best - delivering outcomes through data.

By investing in tools and automations used by many engineers and teams they can have a great return on investment, measured in hours saved by those engineers and the reduction in data governance risks from fragmentation.

And by thinking hard about how they are built they can drive behavioural change, encouraging more of what we want to see and less of what we don’t.

That’s why there has been so much innovation in software platforms recently, with ideas like platform engineering gaining traction, and why these ideas are starting to be applied to data platforms too.

P.S. Thanks for those who asked where my emails have been in the last week! I’ve been on holiday with my family. The usual Monday-Friday emails will resume now I’ve returned :)

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    Andrew Jones
    Andrew Jones
    I build data platforms that reduce risk and drive revenue. Guaranteed, with data contracts.