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Data functions and accountability

·1 min

We often talk about the value the data function creates.

So often in fact, that it sometimes feel like we’re trying too hard to justify ourselves!

I don’t think we see that for most other business functions.

I wonder, is that because functions like marketing, sales, and HR are easier to hold to account?

  • If potential leads are not finding the website the head of marketing will be asked why
  • If deals are not being closed then the head of the sales function will be asked why
  • If roles are not being filled the head of talent will be asked why

But there’s no metric that tells us how many better decisions did we make this quarter because we had the right data, at the right time, in the hands of the right people

Let alone how we link those decisions to the amount of value that created for the business.

Maybe it’s that lack of metric, that leads to the lack of accountability, that is the cause of this constant search for justifying our value?

But, I do strongly believe we (and everyone) should be held to account.

So, how do we hold data functions to account?

What metrics can we use?