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Find at-work extracurricular opportunities

·1 min

One way to stand out from your colleagues and advance your career is to find or create some at-work extracurricular opportunities.

These could be things like organising regular tech talks, book clubs, learning sessions, etc. Or a larger event focussed around your area of expertise, such as a data or privacy week, with speakers from across the company and possibly external ones as well.

Doing something like this has a number of benefits. You’re showing your initiative and (assuming you keep it going) showing you can be dependable. You’re building relationships with people in other parts of the organisation (and possibly beyond). You’re increasing your visibility and standing out from your colleagues.

What can you start at your organisation?

This is #5 in my 2023 series of short, actionable tips for your career. You can view the entire series at

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    Andrew Jones
    Andrew Jones