Hey friends!
Treating data as a product is likely the most widely adopted concept from Data Mesh.
Miro recently wrote up their adoption of data contracts in Data Products Reliability: The Power of Metadata.
Data contracts underpin data products.
Data products are a term that is increasingly being talked about, but one which seems to have different meanings to different people.
While data products are for people, they still require an interface that allows people to access them - usually through a system such as a database, an analytics tool, a notebook, and so on.
You’re delivering data - and data products - to people.
I had a couple of nice responses and follow-up discussion to yesterdays post on applying product thinking to data, one of which asked if we should be applying the discipline of product management (people, processes, etc) to data products.
I quite liked this article by Francie Kastl on the 6 Reasons Why Applying Product Thinking to Data Makes Sense.