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Running the Royal Parks Half Marathon

Last Sunday I ran the Royal Parks Half Marathon. I think I did quite well, but am still a bit disappointed.

The route promised to be scenenic, going through St James’ Park, Green Park and Hyde Park, and passing through sights including the London Eye, the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace. However, I somehow missed the sight of Buckingham Palace (concentrating too much on running…), and much of the route went around Hyde Park, which after 10 miles or so became a bit samey.

Still, the race itself was good, lots of supporters. The first 3 - 4 miles of my race went really well and I was keeping a very good pace. But then I got a sharp pain on the outside of my left knee1. After trying to stretch it off without luck, I had to run the rest of the 10 miles through the pain.

In the end I finished the half marathon in a time of 02:03:452. My half way time was 00:56:40, and I like to think that without my injury I would have beaten the 2hr mark, maybe even pushing 1hr 50.

Anyway enough of that, the main thing is I have raised some good money for the Anthony Nolan Trust, which is a very good cause. Please don’t forget to sponsor me if you can.

  1. I think it might have been Iliotibial band syndrome ↩︎

  2. Results can be found here. I was number 3999 ↩︎