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Alfred Workflow - Copy URL to Clipboard as Rich Text

·1 min

When researching, I take a lot of notes in the Apple Notes app - including a lot of links for reference.

The steps I was following to add a link for reference to a note was:

  1. Copy the title from the page in Safari
  2. Paste it in to Notes
  3. Go back to Safari
  4. ⌘+L to get the address bar, copy
  5. Back to Notes again
  6. Select the title and ⌘+K to create a link, pasting the URL
  7. Hit

Quite painful when doing 1 or 2, very frustrating when doing any more!

So I’ve finally created a little Alfred workflow to simplify this, which makes the flow like this:

  1. ⌘+⇧+C in Safari
  2. Paste in Notes

That’s it! 2 steps, and the same result: a link in Notes linking to the webpage.

If you like, you can find the workflow on Github.

Special thanks to Shane Stanley, who posted some AppleScript I used as a base.