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Andrew Jones

I build data platforms that reduce risk and drive revenue.

I created data contracts in 2021 and wrote the definitive book in 2023.

No one knows data contracts better than I do.

I can help you use data to drive revenue with data contracts, while reducing the risks associated with managing data, through a range of training and services, customised to your needs.

Get FREE tips to help you implement data contracts »

Do your data pipelines keep failing because of upstream changes? #

Do you find:

  • You struggle to deliver value because your data pipelines keep failing - often caused by upstream changes outside of your control
  • Your team is the bottleneck preventing self-served and autonomous data usage
  • You’re being asked to do AI, but that depends on quality data, which you know you don’t have
  • You need to improve your organisations data governance, but no one else seems to care

What if you could create quality data, at source? #

What if instead:

  • Quality and dependable data was being created at the source, by incentivised data owners, so you can build on it with confidence
  • People around the organisation can create, manage, and share accessible and quality data, without you being the bottleneck
  • Your team can focus on delivering the high value application of information that power key business processes, take advantage of AI, and ultimately drive revenue
  • Your data governance is embedded in - and automated by - your platform, so everyone producing and managing data is always following your best practices

You can, with data contracts, and I’ll show you how #

Getting there requires a shift in mindset, to one where everyone understands the value of data - from data professionals to product engineers to product managers.

And when they do, they’ll want to create and use more of it.

Which means it can’t all be through you - you need to start federating.

You empower data owners to create and manage their own data, which they then provide as a product to other teams, groups, or domains - including yours.

This is achieved through data contracts.

A data contract is an agreed interface between the generators of data and its consumers. It sets the expectations around that data, defines how it should be governed, and facilitates the explicit generation of quality data that meets the business requirements.

And this is delivered through a contract-driven data platform, that provides these capabilities to any data producer in your organisation.

This is a business transformation.

You cannot simply build it and they will come.

You need to take your organisation on this journey. That means you need to be great at communicating the benefits to many different audiences and deliver value early and often

No one wants another 18 month transformation project that goes nowhere.

All they want is trustworthy, accessible, and applicable information that allows them to make better decisions, build better products, or unlock the potential of AI.

We can unlock this, and I’d love to help.

Here’s three ways I can help #

1/ My Daily Newsletter #


Every weekday I post tips and advice that help hundreds of data leaders like yourself get closer to achieving your goals. That’s a lot of value for just a couple of minutes of your time, every weekday.

Get FREE tips to help you implement data contracts »

2/ Training #

Thinking about adopting data contracts as part of your move towards data mesh, but don’t know where to start? Maybe you’re not even sure it’s right for you?

Attend one of my training courses to learn everything you need to know about implementing data contracts in your organisation.

Explore upcoming courses »

I can also deliver training directly to your team, tailored for your needs. Let’s chat!

3/ Working Together #

From £495

I’m available to help your team achieve your goals. I offer a range of services, from AMAs (only £495) to project delivery to ongoing advise and support.

Let's work together »

Who am I? #

Andrew Jones Hi 👋 I’m Andrew.

I’ve been working in the industry for 20 years, specialising in data platforms for the last 10 years.

In 2021 I created data contracts, an architectural pattern that brings data teams closer to the business, drives team autonomy, and embeds quality and governance as part of the data platform.

In 2023 I wrote the definite book on data contracts, which currently has an average rating of 4.7 stars on Amazon.

I now bring that experience and expertise to dozens of other organisations, big and small, through my independent consulting practice.

I’m based near London, UK, am a regular writer and public speaker, and have worked with organisations in the US, Europe, and Asia.

Give me a minute or two a day and I’ll show you how to transform your organisations data with data contracts.

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    (Don’t worry—I hate spam, too, and I’ll NEVER share your email address with anyone!)

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